
Located 142 Miles East from Bamako, Ségou is more than just a relaxing stopover on the way to Mopti. The whole city is an historical open-air museum.

A City of History

The “City of the Balanzan” * is known as the birthplace of the Bambara kingdom that was founded and governed in the 17th century by King Biton Coulibaly. His palace was reconstructed and could now be visited in Ségoukoro.

It’s also for its architecture that we added Ségou on our tours. The city has experienced the French colonial occupation in the 18th and 19th centuries. One of the outcome was the birth of the neo-Sudanese architecture style that shapes many buildings of the city.

A City of fine Crafts

The famous red potteries also participate to the reputation of Ségou. These unique crafts are exclusively the work of the women from the village of Kalabougou, located on the other side of the Niger, in front of Segou. You will find pieces of these potteries at all sizes and all prices in the city markets.

The Bogolans, the emblematic West African painted fabric, is the other flagship of the region. The N’domo Center managed by Mr. Boubacar Doumbia and the Soroblé workshop both produce pieces of top class quality. And if you have a little attirance for Arts, note that these two institutions offer practical introductions to the creation of Bogolans. A very pleasant experience.

A City of Music

Finally, we must mention the “Festival on the Niger”, that has given to Ségou a special place in African music. This annual event (February), brings together the best artists of West Africa for memorable concerts, given form a giant barge moored on the Niger River.

As we said, Segou is much more than just a relaxing stopover…

* Balanzan is the local name of the Acacias Albida that grows by thousands in the region of Ségou


