Best time to visit Mali :
The period from November to February is definitely the best time for a trip or a vacation in Mali. The temperatures are low (it’s winter). It’s “only” 68 °F / 77 °F over the whole country.
You can also choose to travel to Mali during the rainy season (June-October). The vegetation is lush and cities such as Djenne and Mopti are surrounded by the Niger water. Temperatures are pleasant with an average of 68°F. But remember to take your umbrella.
The hot season from March to June is reserved to heat lovers. 100°F is the usual level, it could be even more in some places.
Entry requirements:
A visa is required for your trip in Mali (except for nationals of the Economic Community of States of West Africa).
Please ask more details to the nearest Mali Embassy.
The cost of a Visa is 35 $ more or less
You should be protected against malaria (transmitted by mosquitoes). A treatment like Savarine or Malarone is strongly recommended before and during your travel. Repellents and creams could be also useful. Consult your doctor before departure.
Vaccination against yellow fever is required. A vaccination certificate is required for all travelers older than one year. Overall, it is recommended to be up to date with the all common immunizations : diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis A and B, etc.
The currency in Mali is the CFA Francs.
100 CFA Francs = $ 0.20
1 $ = 481 CFA Francs.
Except in the international tourist establishments (hotels, restaurants, airports, etc.) trades are done with cash. ATMs are rare even in Bamako. You should bring enough cash or travel vouchers. Tickets in Euro and Dollars are still fairly readily available in shops in large cities.
Official Language:
French is the official language but more than a dozen dialects are commonly used in Mali (Bambara, Peul, Sonraï, etc..)
Islam is most common religion in Mali (about 90% of the population is Muslim). Malians are extremely tolerant and moderate Muslims. Other religions have their places in Mali, especially many animistic beliefs that are practiced by about 10% of the population. Christians represent 1% of the population.
Policy Plan:
Mali is a true democratic republic. Elections are free, the press and the justice are independent. The system is presidential. The current President is Mr. Amadou Toumani Touré.
220V – French sockets
Weights and measures:
Metric (meters and liters)
Time Difference:
Mali is at GMT +0
To reach Mali, the international code is 223.
Many large and medium hotels are equipped with internet connection broadband via WiFi. You will find cybercafes in the cities to connect when needed for very reasonable rates.
Cell phone:
Country is almost completemy covered. You can use your mobile phone almost anywhere in the territory. But communications are costly. On arrival a good reflex is to buy a chip card to a local operator (13$) and recharge phone to control your costs.
Tap water is preferably avoided. Prefer bottled water. Avoid consuming vegetables or raw fruits.
Have you already travel to Mali? Did you miss something that isn’t on the list above? Memory card for the camera? Sun cream? Please feel free to let the other travellers know what they need to bring to have a great trip! Thank you!